Drawn June and July 1995, by a committee representing the Edmondson Elementary School Parents and Teachers Organization (“PTO”).

Approved by the Organization on September 7, 1995.

Revised by the Organization on April 9, 2018.



The official name of this organization shall be: Edmondson Elementary School Parents and Teachers Organization (“PTO”), located in Brentwood, Tennessee.



  1. To promote the welfare of children.
  2. To enhance the overall educational environment by promoting volunteerism and parent involvement.
  3. To stimulate exchange of ideas between educators and the general public to secure for each child the best educational opportunities.
  4. To promote closer ties between the Administration of Edmondson Elementary School, the Williamson County School Board and the parents for the continual improvement of programs and support for the school.
  5. To raise funds to provide for the above.
  6. The organization is organized exclusively for the charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding Section of any future tax code (hereinafter “Internal Revenue Code”).



Daily operation of the PTO will be in accordance with established Policies and Procedures.  The Officers of the PTO shall review the current Policies and Procedures at the beginning of each fiscal year.  Any recommendations for changes to the Policies and Procedures shall be presented to the Board of Directors for ratification prior to the first General Membership Business meeting of the school year.

  1. This organization shall be educational.
  2. This organization shall be non-profit, non-commercial, non-sectarian, non-partisan and nondiscriminatory. Neither the name of the organization nor the names of its officers in their official capacities shall be used in any connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan interest or for any purpose other than the regular work of the organization. The primary use of funds, dues and proceeds derived by this organization shall be for the benefit of the children and improvements of the school.
  3. This organization is interested in educational policy, but shall not seek to interfere with the freedom of teachers or to control administrative activities or school policies.
  4. This organization shall select and support needed committees to represent the organization in making recommendations to proper authorities for any emergency needs of the school and to urge adequate measures for the improvement of the school. These committees shall consist of persons chosen by the President or, if the President so designates, chosen by any member of the PTO, and voted on by the majority of the PTO members.
  5. Members of the PTO shall make the decisions of the organization. If a decision must be made between PTO business meetings, it shall be made by the Board of Directors. If a decision must be made between PTO business meetings and Board of Director meetings, then the President (or the President’s designee) shall make the decision.
  6. The Board of Directors shall set the agenda for the business meetings.
  7. Regarding Service Projects: The Board will sponsor two school wide service projects per school year. These projects may occur more than once during the year, but will only benefit two organizations. The board will approve the organizations based on the relevance to our community and will preference to local organizations. In addition to the two school wide projects, the board will sponsor one service project per grade level per school year. The project/organization must be approved by the board prior to publicizing and should be relevant to grade level curriculum and should be local in nature. The grade level projects may be one time projects or may last the duration of the school year, but board approval is only for one school year at a time. The board reserves the right to approve additional service projects under extenuating circumstances.



  1. Membership is open to any parent or guardian with students at Edmondson Elementary or any staff member at Edmondson Elementary who is interested in the purposes for which this organization is established and who is willing to uphold its policies and subscribe to its bylaws upon payment of dues as hereinafter provided. In the case in which one paid membership fee covers two (2) parents or guardians in one household, each household shall be recognized as one (1) voting member and each shall be entitled to one (1) vote.  Membership in this PTO shall be available without regard to race, color, creed, or national origin.
  2. The annual dues shall be established by the Board of Directors prior to the first meeting of each year. Dues will be established annually by the Board of Directors and approved by the General Membership at the Spring General Membership meeting.  It shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors to set the dues at a reasonable amount.



All members of the Board of Directors must be TIER III volunteers and have a proper background check conducted in accordance with the terms and processes set forth by Williamson County Schools.  In the event that a candidate is not TIER III certified upon nomination for an executive position, he/she must obtain a TIER III clearance prior to the beginning of the new term in order to serve in any executive position.  In the event that a TIER III clearance is not obtained prior to the new term, the position will be considered vacant and will be filled in accordance with Article V, Section F.

  1. The Board of Directors of this organization shall consist of a President, President-Elect, Vice-President for Events, Vice-President for Fundraising, Vice-President for Fundraising-Elect, Vice-President for Community Partners, Vice-President for Communications, Vice-President for Communications-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Treasurer-Elect, Principal (or designee) and teacher representative (at the discretion of the Board).
  2. These positions are for a term of one (1) year, with the exception of the Treasurer which is a two (2) year term commencing on June 1. No officer may be eligible to serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office, and no officer may be eligible to serve more than four (4) consecutive years on the Board of Directors. Each Board of Directors member shall hold only one (1) elected position at a time.
  3. A slate of candidates for any open Board of Directors position will be presented to the members in March and voted on at the April business meeting, even if that meeting is called for the exclusive purpose of taking a vote. If a current board member wishes to remain on the board and is eligible to make a lateral move, that should be decided before March. Board members who wish to stay active in the PTO have the option to select which open committee they’d like to chair once their term has ended.  Additional nominations may be made from the floor and voting shall not be limited to the nominees. A majority vote from those member’s present is needed to approve the slate. The consent of each candidate must be obtained before the name is placed in nomination. If more than one person is running for a position, a ballot vote shall be taken.
  4. A nominating committee consisting of at least four (4) PTO members plus a chairperson will be appointed by the Board of Directors no later than March. Attempts will be made to have one representative from each grade level, kindergarten through grade 4. These committee members may not be a Board member. The President can meet with the nominating committee to get them started and answer any questions they may have, but then must be removed from the process, as it is to be Board neutral. The Board of Directors shall present the slate of candidates as described in Article V, Section C. The Nominating Committee shall select at least one (1) eligible candidate for each open office. 
  5. Nominations for Treasurer shall have previous accounting, financial systems, and/or computer experience.
  6. If there is a vacancy on the Board of Directors, the position shall be appointed by the President to fill the remaining term. In case a vacancy occurs in the office of President, any Board member wishing to fill the office may do so by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
  7. Pertaining to the PTO nominating process for Board of Directors and Committee Chairs, please see the attached addendum entitled Article V, Letter G
  8. If an Executive Board member has missed three (3) consecutive board meetings, or has not fulfilled the duties of his/her position, the Board of Directors may remove the individual from his/her position by a simple (51%) majority vote of a quorum of the Board of Directors at a regular meeting where previous notice has been given.
  9. No member of the Board of Directors shall receive any compensation for his/her services. No member of the Executive Board shall profit financially from any of the PTO’s activities.



The duties of the Board of Directors shall be to transact business of the PTO, create standing rules and policies, create standing and temporary committees, prepare and submit a budget to the membership, approve expenditures, and prepare reports and recommendations to the General Membership.

Daily operation of the PTO will be in accordance with established Policies and Procedures.  The Board of Directors of the PTO shall review the current Policies and Procedures at the beginning of each fiscal year.  Any recommendations for changes to the Policies and Procedures shall be voted upon prior to the first General Business meeting of the school year.


  1. The President shall preside at all member meetings of the organization and at meetings of the Board of Directors; shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee; shall appoint special committees; shall establish a communication link between the PTO and the Building Leadership Team (BLT) of the school and its correlates; shall serve as the primary contact for the Principal; shall coordinate the work of all the officers so that the purpose of the PTO is served, and shall perform all other duties usually pertaining to the office.
  2. The President-Elect shall assist the President. After serving one (1) term as President-Elect, he/she will serve as President during the subsequent school year.  In the absence or inability of the President, Vice-President for Events, Vice-President for Fundraising, Vice-President for Community Partners and Vice-President for Communications to perform the duties of the President, the President-Elect shall perform those duties.
  3. The Vice-President for Events shall be responsible for collecting information needed to evaluate projects for which PTO funding is sought; shall be an ex-officio member of standing and special committees associated with such projects; and in the absence or inability of the President to perform the duties of that office, the Vice-President for Events shall perform the duties of the President.
  4. The Vice-President for Fundraising shall be responsible for screening proposed new internal fundraising activities of the PTO; shall be an ex-officio member of standing and special committees associated with fundraising activities; and shall have all fundraising activities approved by the Director of Schools or designee prior to any such activity as put forth in the Williamson County Board of Education Policies and Procedures, Section 4.503, revised 10/22/07. In the absence or inability of the President and Vice-President for Events to perform the duties of the President, the Vice-President for Fundraising shall perform those duties.
  5. The Vice-President for Fundraising-Elect shall assist the Vice-President for Fundraising. After serving one (1) term as Vice-President for Fundraising-Elect, he/she will serve as Vice-President for Fundraising during the subsequent school year.  In the absence or inability of the President, Vice-President for Events, Vice-President for Fundraising, Vice-President for Community Partners, Vice-President for Communications, and President-Elect to perform the duties of the President, the Vice-President for Fundraising-Elect shall perform those duties.
  6. The Vice-President for Community Partners shall be responsible for screening proposed new external fundraising activities of the PTO; shall be an ex-officio member of standing and special committees associated with fundraising activities; and shall have all fundraising activities approved by the Director of Schools or designee prior to any such activity as put forth in the Williamson County Board of Education Policies and Procedures, Section 4.503, revised 10/22/07. In the absence or inability of the President, Vice-President for Events and Vice-President for Fundraising to perform the duties of the President, the Vice-President for Community Partners shall perform those duties.
  7. The Vice-President for Communications shall be responsible for communications to the general membership; shall be an ex-officio member of standing and special committees associated with communication activities; and shall generate public relations with the local news media on a monthly basis. In the absence or inability of the President, Vice-President for Events, Vice-President for Fundraising and Vice-President for Community Partners to perform the duties of the President, the Vice-President for Communications shall perform those duties.
  8. The Vice-President for Communications-Elect shall assist the Vice-President for Communications. After serving one (1) term as Vice-President for Communications-Elect, he/she will serve as Vice-President for Communications during the subsequent school year.  In the absence or inability of the President, Vice-President for Events, Vice-President for Fundraising, Vice-President for Community Partners, Vice-President for Communications, President-Elect, and Vice-President for Fundraising-Elect to perform the duties of the President, the Vice-President for Communications-Elect shall perform those duties.
  9. The Secretary shall keep a correct record of all business meetings and Board of Directors meetings; shall distribute these minutes to the Board of Directors in a timely manner; shall be responsible for notifying members of meeting dates, times and agenda by means at his/her discretion; shall be responsible for receiving and writing correspondence pertaining to the organization’s activities and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated. The Secretary shall keep a copy of all PTO records and these shall be stored at Edmondson Elementary.
  10. The Treasurer shall have custody of the organization’s funds; shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements of the PTO; shall deposit funds in the name of the PTO into depositories designated by the Board of Directors; shall disburse funds of the PTO as directed by the Board; shall keep PTO membership records in coordination with the Vice-President for Communications; shall prepare financial statements each month or at such other intervals as the membership may direct; shall present a financial report for approval at each monthly meeting and inform the Board of Directors of special financial problems and budget considerations; shall prepare a consolidated End of Year financial report of the PTO for review and approval by the Board of Directors on an annual basis; shall be responsible for preparation and submission of all Federal and State compliance filings; shall be responsible for insuring that filing of the annual tax return (Form 990) and any related filing responsibilities of the organization occur and shall perform such other duties and have such other authority and powers as the membership may from time to time prescribe. The Treasurer shall not be an employee of Williamson County Schools.
  11. The Treasurer-Elect shall assist the Treasurer and carry out the Treasurer’s duties in his/her absence or inability to serve. After serving one (1) term as Treasurer-Elect, he/she will serve as Treasurer during the subsequent school year.



  1. There shall be a monthly meeting of the Board of Directors once a month from June through May on a day and time to be decided on by the PTO Board.
  2. There shall be bi-monthly business meetings of the PTO during the school year on a day and time to be decided on by the PTO Board, with a minimum of three (3) business meetings per school year.
  3. The first General Business meeting of each school year shall be held no later than September 30 and shall include approval of the PTO’s current year budget.
  4. Another General Membership meeting shall be held in the spring of each school year and shall include for the upcoming school year the election of the Board of Directors, the ratification of the Standing Committee Chairs and the approval of membership dues.
  5. At the President’s discretion, Board of Directors meetings may be held prior to the PTO business meetings.
  6. The privilege of holding office, making motions, debating, and voting shall be limited to members of the organization whose DUES HAVE BEEN PAID, and who are parents, legal guardians, or family members of currently enrolled students.
  7. The President shall serve as chairperson for all PTO business meetings and Board of Directors meetings. No one at any time during regular business meetings shall address the body without being recognized by the chairperson unless the chairperson announces otherwise.
  8. For voting purposes in business meetings or Board of Directors meetings, members present at a duly called meeting shall constitute a quorum.
  9. The President or any two (2) members of the Executive Board may call special meetings. Notice of the special meeting shall be sent to the Executive Board members at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.



  1. The Board of Directors may create standing committees and appoint chairpersons of each committee, as it may deem necessary, to promote the objectives and purposes and carry out the work of the organization.
  2. The chairpersons of each committee shall appoint their own committee members and present a plan of work to the Board of Directors for approval. No committee work shall be undertaken without the consent of the Board of Directors. The term of office for a chairperson shall be for one (1) year, but not to exceed two (2) years.
  3. Committee expenditures are budgeted and approved in advance. If a committee anticipates non budgeted costs, they must approach the PTO for approval, and those expenses should be put to discussion and a vote before the costs are incurred. The committee will collect gross revenues and submit them to the Treasurer. The committee will also submit documented expenses to the Treasurer for reimbursement.
  4. Upon the expiration of the term of office or in case of resignation or termination, each chairperson shall turn over to the President, without delay, all records, books and other material pertaining to the chairmanship, and shall return to the Treasurer, without delay, all funds belonging to the organization.
  5. Prior to year-end, each committee chairperson shall submit to the President a report of the year’s activities and recommendations for changes, if needed.
  6. All standing committee chairpersons shall be required to attend at least two (2) business meetings during the school year.
  7. All committee chairs and board members must comply with the volunteer application procedures as outlined by School Board Policy 4.501p and as defined by the PTO board.
  8. Any parent, guardian or other adult standing in loco parentis for a student at the school is eligible to serve in any standing committee.



  1.      The fiscal year of the PTO shall begin on July 1st and end on June 30th.
  2. A tentative budget of the PTO shall be drafted by the Treasurer and approved by the Board of Directors, at least ten (10) days prior to the first General Business meeting of the school year.  Any modifications to the budget must be approved at a Board of Directors meeting.
  3. The Treasurer shall keep accurate records of any receipts, disbursements, and bank account information of the PTO. The bank account(s) shall be reconciled monthly and reviewed by the Treasurer-Elect.
  4. Restricted funds received by the PTO for specific purposes (e.g. library, choir, etc.) will be accounted for separately by the Treasurer.
  5. Disbursements by the PTO require an approved check request form. Check request forms for the Board of Directors shall be approved by the Treasurer.  Check request forms for standing committees must be approved by the committee chair and submitted to the PTO Treasurer.  The principal of Edmondson Elementary School shall approve faculty requests.  Two (2) authorized signatures shall be required on each check. 
  6. No contract or commitment binding the PTO shall extend beyond the current school year. No contract or commitment shall be made which places the PTO in a deficit position.  No loans may be executed by the PTO, the Board of Directors or general membership of the PTO.
  7. All contracts or binding commitments of the PTO must be approved by the Board of Directors. Approved contracts must be signed by two (2) members of the Board of Directors.  All contracts entered into must be in the name of the PTO, not under Edmondson Elementary School.
  8. Any individual signing a contract on behalf of the PTO without the approval of the Board of Directors will be held personally liable and responsible for any and all expenses incurred from any breach of contract.



These by-laws may be amended at any business meeting of the organization by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting, provided the proposed amendment has been approved by the Board of Directors and has been read at the previous meeting of the organization or the membership has been notified ten (10) days prior to the meeting. An electronic vote (via email) will also be allowed if it is not feasible to hold an additional business meeting for the purpose of amending the by-laws, provided the membership has been notified ten (10) days prior to the vote.




Roberts Rules of Order Revised shall govern this organization in all cases to which they are applicable and are not inconsistent with these by-laws.



In the event of a dissolution, the residual assets of the organization should first be used to pay any outstanding bills and with the General Membership’s approval, spent for the benefit of Edmondson Elementary.  The remaining funds will be turned over to one or more organizations which themselves are exempt as organizations described in sections 501©(3) and 170©(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or corresponding sections of any prior or future Internal Revenue Code, or the Federal, State, or local government for exclusive public purpose.


APPROVED this _9th_day of __April_, 2018.

Edmondson Elementary School PTO

851 Edmondson Pike

Brentwood, TN 37027-8203

(615) 472-4360

Federal Employee Identification # 62-1600083

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